Navigating regulatory developments within the natural gas industry: A 5-year review
This exhaustive training course offers an in-depth analysis of the significant regulatory developments that have shaped the natural gas industry over the past five years. Participants will explore key legislative changes, emerging policies, and compliance challenges that have emerged primarily at the federal level. The curriculum is designed for industry professionals and stakeholders who need to stay informed about the evolving regulatory landscape affecting natural gas distribution and transmission.
Throughout the course, attendees will examine the impact five key pieces of legislation. First, we cover 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOOb and c which predominantly impact midstream operators. Then we pivot to Greenhouse Gas Program updates which have big impacts on various industry sectors and require reporting of operational information that was not formerly in place. Third, we cover the inflation reduction act and its impact on environmental stewardship and surveillance. After this, we touch on the pipeline safety management system rule and finally, the impactful and contentious pipeline leak detection and repair rule.
The course will culminate into effective strategies relating to material compliance with this complex and burdensome regulations. By the end of the training, participants will be equipped with the tools and insights needed to effectively manage regulatory compliance and contribute to the sustainable growth of their organization within the natural gas sector.
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